Seems that something was messed up with my ADK installation, so I've installed fresh ubuntu on VM and compiled from zero. All went well. End of good news ;) The final image failed to boot on RPi0w. All I can see is rainbow start screen. Sorry.
----- Reply to message -----
Subject: Re: [openadk] raspberry pi 0 w
Date: 2017. gada 4. jūlijs 23:16:45
From: Waldemar Brodkorb <wbx@openadk.org>
To: Ints M <idr.sia@inbox.lv>
Ints M wrote,

> Hello,
> any chances that some guru will make default config for new raspberry pi 0 w
> (with wireless)? I've tried to build for RPi3, but it even don't boot up - all
> i see is rainbow screen ;)... Sad, because board seems to be with good
> potential and kinda cheap.

The zero is more like raspberry pi 1 a/b.

I added a sample w/o wifi driver support.

Untested, as I do not own the hardware.

Could you try it? We can try to enable wifi later.
See: https://docs.openadk.org/html/manual.html#adding-boards

So git pull,

best regards