It could also very well be that you just need to wail for wlan0 interface at startup because it is not yet ready when trying to configure it?

I added this in my /etc/init.d/network scripts’ start-function:

echo "Waiting for wlan0 ... "
while [ ! -d /sys/class/net/wlan0 ] && [ $waittime -gt 0 ]; do 
sleep 1
let waittime=$waittime-1
if [ ! -d /sys/class/net/wlan0 ]; then
echo "ERROR: Did not find wlan0 interface after 30 seconds"
ifup -a > /dev/null

On 27 May 2018, at 18:03, Waldemar Brodkorb <> wrote:

Hi Mike,
Mike Thompson wrote,

With a basic build of OpenADK for the Raspberry Pi 3, I'm getting the following
error when I try to bring up wlan0.

# ifup wlan0
ip: SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device
command failed: No such device (-19)
Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant
Could not read interface wlan0 flags: No such device
nl80211: Driver does not support authentication/association or connect commands
nl80211: deinit ifname=wlan0 disabled_11b_rates=0
Could not read interface wlan0 flags: No such device
wlan0: Failed to initialize driver interface
ip: SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device

In /etc/network/interface, I have the following configured:

auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
  wireless-ssid HomeWiFi
  wireless-mode sta
  wireless-security wpa2
  wireless-passphrase XXXXXXXXXXXX

I presume there is an additional configuration for OpenADK required to enable
wlan0 on the Raspberry Pi 3, but I don't see anything obvious.  I have the 'iw'
and 'wpa_supplicant' packages enabled, but that doesn't seem to be the issue.

Any tips on what I might be missing?

I do not think you missed anything, it is just a Bug.
I once started to try to make it work, but got distracted.
I look into it again. Strange thing, I installed Libreelec for
Testing on my RPI3 and even this did not recognized the Wifi device.
I am starting now with Raspbian to see what I am missing.

Hard to find an detailed information, which Linux kernel config
symbols are required and what firmware files need to be installed.

best regards
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