I'm glad you were able to figure it out. I'm planning on submitting patches for as many architectures as I can. Since you needed to submit patches for gcc on arm, I have a feeling the other architectures might need similar patches in gcc.

On Tue, Jul 19, 2022 at 1:38 PM Lance Fredrickson <lancethepants@gmail.com> wrote:
-static-pie on arm is working well for me.  As it turns out GCC doesn't
currently handle -static-pie with arm, and is not passing the correct
options to the linker.  This patch applies onto GCC 12.1 which fixes
that, and I will try to upstream.


One thing that threw me for a while is that the 'file' command in Debian
10 is apparently too old to know what static-pie is, and reports it as
dynamically linked but without a reference to to the dynamic linker.

Nice patch! I'm glad to see this feature come to uclibc-ng. I saw you
had a arm64 branch in your repo so would be cool to see that too.

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