I am using a RPI3 B+ and using openadk successfully with the linux os using 4.14.71 kernel from raspberry pi itself. Now I am trying to run “openvino R5” which is an intel library that is only available as a precompiled so file for raspbian 9. It works indeed on raspbian 9.
But when I try to run their example demo file on my system, I get the error:
# ./myriad_compile
mksh: ./myriad_compile: not executable: 32-bit ELF file
So now I want to debug that, but I’m out of ideas on how to proceed.
You can find the package here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1QQL343Svovi0ZQ0YewyiMdtt-m6TyHOc <https://drive.google.com/open?id=1QQL343Svovi0ZQ0YewyiMdtt-m6TyHOc>
just unpack it in the “package” directory to try it out.
So if you have any hints, I would really appreciate it.
I’m using glibc 2.27, with gcc 7.3.0 compiler.
Best regards,
My name is Victor I learned Openadk about your sistemk recently
May you prompt to me I can use it for creation of ROOTFS for a system on the
basis of Cortex A9 to documentation it is written that yes. But there are no
examples? I use Intel cyclone 5 Cortex A9. Tried to compile constantly
errors. With whom it is possible to consult?