Would you consider making a GitHub account and host the code there? It is just that it
would be so much easier to send and discuss patches that way instead of with a mailing
list. I used buildroot before on linux and never took the time to send patches because of
the procedure. Now I am on macOS so I switched to openADK which works nicely! (especially
the update-patches is nice). Would you maybe be open to that?
FYI, Here is a list of issues I encountered:
- raspberry pi 1 model B+ is my board. The kernel did not compile. Then I added some
needed config values like from the official defconfig, and then it compiled. But it did
not boot my system. Then I selected to use the supplied defconfig from the kernel, and now
it boots and works.
- I had some issues compiling glib-host on a latest generation macbook with Xcode 8.3.2,
it seems I had an extra uuid.h file in the include directory, which made compiling fail
because it was not using the one from my system. Then it did not link to the AppKit
framework in the end, which I fixed with setting the HOST_LDFLAGS in the package
- qtbase: seems I needed to apply the patch in attachment to make it compile with Qt
5.7.0, which is taken from 5.9. Also, the detection of the xcodebuild needed to be fixed.
Best regards